
One phone. One scan. One-touch link to your listing.
One day – delivered + live.
RealMLS has partnered with FlōPlan to offer our members an even more affordable way to easily and quickly create floor plans of listed properties!
This member benefit is cutting edge technology giving you a new layer of information to help your buyers navigate the home buying process. A floor plan on every listing is an opportunity to change the game: added listing content + improved online buyer experience.
Easy, quick and affordable.
Share the new floor plan with your seller and provide online buyers a new perspective of the home.
As a realMLS member, your price is reduced from $29 per complete, processed floor plan, to $12 per floor plan. That’s right – just $12 per scan of an ENTIRE HOME that you submit to be processed into a complete floor plan.
Floor Plans are at Your Fingertips, Right Now!
No special equipment is needed. All you will need to get started is your mobile phone. When we say it’s easy, we mean it! Best of all, anyone on your team can create the scan as a collaborator!
Scan With Confidence
FlōPlan technology uses unique mobile phone innovation which makes scanning from your device simple and fast. On average, scans have a 99% success rate from scan to floor plan and take less than 10 minutes.
FlōPlan Technology Does All of the Work For You – Quickly.
Once you complete and submit a scan, the real magic happens. Between machine-learning, artificial intelligence and the careful oversight of professionals, your quality floor plan is created and ready for you in one business day. If there are any issues at all, you will have the ability to request changes so you receive an accurate floor plan to upload.
Training and Support – At Your Service
Visit the learning center on FloPlan.io to become a scanning pro! Plus, the FlōPlan team hosts regular webinars to share even more tips and tricks.