Frequently Asked Questions
The listing will have to be in either an Expired, Cancelled, or Sold status for 31 days for CDOM to restart.
The Broker from your previous office must send written authorization to transfer your listings. They can send an email to Customer Care at realMLS.
We do not syndicate the Coming Soon Listings to any website including IDX websites.
Let’s clarify terms. In Flexmls, WITHDRAWN is a TEMPORARY status for when a property cannot or will not be available for showing for greater than 3 days.
Once in Withdrawn status, it ‘can’ remain there until it reaches the Expiration date and expires.
If the customer and brokerage CANCEL their agreement then the CANCELLED status will indicate that the agreement is no longer in force.
When you login to flexmls, go to Menu>Searches>Office/Member.
Click on Offices and begin typing the first few characters of your office name in the Find an Office field. A list of offices with similar names will appear. Locate your office name/address and your office code will be in the Short ID column.
You will used the same instructions as above except select Members instead of Offices to find your customer ID.
If you use the Quick Launch bar, type the first 8 characters of your office name or your name. When your office or your customer record displays, the Office/Customer ID appears in parentheses behind the office name.
Metro Market Trends (MMT Tax) is a property data provider that is free with your membership. MMT Tax can provide all the tax record information on any property in the area. Login to Flexmls. Go to the Menu and type Tax.
Click on MMT tax and you will be re-directed to the MMT website. Select your search type (typically Property Owners or Comparable Sales Activity). On the next screen, select the county and then you can add your specific search criteria.
Select Metes & Bounds from the drop down list for No Subdivision.
Send an email to with the listing number, reason for change, and information of what to change.
However, please keep in mind that Listing Date in the MLS system is either the effective date of the contract or the signature date whichever of the two is most recent. This is not to be confused with the date a listing was out into the MLS system but reflects the date when the listing agreement became legal and binding.
Go to At the top of the screen click on MLS Account. This will open up another screen. Type in your Customer ID and the last 4 digits of your SSN to sign in and access the payment screen.
You can also access the payment system via the Dash Board when you login to the MLS system.
Once a listing is in a Sold status it cannot be changed. If the selling agent was entered in error, please send an email to
For realMLS Technical Support
Call 904-281-1400 X 1603 or email:
realMLS Tech Support hours are: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM and Saturday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
You will contact realMLS Tech Support for questions on any feature that you can perform directly within the MLS system, such as:
- Logging In To Flexmls
- How to Add or Change Listings
- Adding Photos, Videos, Documents, Open House…
- Status Changes
- Search Questions on the Quick Search, Map Search, and Full Search
- Saving Searches and How to Manage Them
- Contact Management – Setting Up Contacts, Subscriptions, and Portals
- Printing or Emailing Listings
- Daily Hot Sheets
- CMA’s
- Mapping
- Flexmls Statistical Programs
- Adding or Changing Menus and Dashboards
- MMT Tax Search
- Policy and Procedures (i.e., status definitions, add/change data to the listing input sheets)
- Contracts and Forms
- Closing Cost Estimator
- MARC Notifications
- Syndication of Data/Pictures on sites like ListHub,, and
Tech Support can be reached at 904-281-1400 x1603 Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM ET or email
Our realMLS Customer Care Team will handle questions that relate to Membership and Accounts Payable.
realMLS Customer Care Team can be reached at 904-281-1400 x1601 Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET or email
When logged in to Flexmls, type your First Name and Last initial in the Quick Launch bar located next to the realMLS logo at the top left of the screen.
The number in parentheses behind your name is your member number.
No, unfortunately, Flexmls will only allow one access at a time, therefore you cannot be logged in from a computer and a mobile device simultaneously
No, per realMLS Rules and Regulations, you cannot share your username and password. This could result in an automatic fine. If you have an assistant, you are able to obtain a login for that individual. Please reach out to Customer Care
All of the Rules and Policies can be found on the Data Integrity Policy page under the Resources tab on our homepage. They can also be found in Flexmls under Forms/Info.
Please email for instructions. Here is a brief overview of the process to request IDX for your website. Once you have chosen a website/IDX vendor to manager your site, the vendor will access the Spark Datamart and enter a request on your behalf.
Authorization emails will then be sent to the Broker, the licensee (if applicable) and to realMLS. Each individual must authorize the IDX.
Once that is completed the vendor is sent a login to access the IDX data.
The Northeast Florida Association of Realtors(NEFAR) is the largest professional/trade association in Northeast Florida. NEFMLS operating as realMLS is a wholly owned subsidiary of NEFAR and is a separate company. realMLS conducts classes pertaining to using the Flexmls system and other MLS related topics.
NEFAR conducts New Member Orientation, Continuing Education, Ethics and many more educational classes.
Lockboxes are also purchased through NEFAR and the Association membership dues are separate from realMLS dues.