Join realMLS

Are you looking to subscribe to realMLS? Then you have come to the right place. For most of you, the first step is to head straight to NEFAR ‘s (Northeast Florida Association of Realtors) website to begin the process. There, you will complete your application packet for one of NEFAR’s three membership types, which also includes your application for realMLS.

Here are the membership types available:

  1. Individual Primary Realtor Member
    • Hold a current and active Florida real estate license with DBPR and/or
    • Hold a state certified appraiser license in Florida and
    • Broker must be a realMLS customer
  2. Individual Secondary Realtor Member
    • Members in good standing with another Realtor association
  3. Real Estate Firm
    • Real estate brokerages/firms looking to subscribe to realMLS (Primary/managing brokers ONLY)

What's Next?

Once you complete the application process with NEFAR (including payment of NEFAR dues), your information will automatically be received by the realMLS Customer Care team.

Our Customer Care team will process your application and send a welcome letter, typically within one (1) business day of receiving notification from NEFAR. This letter will contain:

  • MLS dues amount and instructions
    • Includes a one-time application fee and prorated MLS dues amount
  • Member ID and Password
    • Allows access to your realMLS customer portal
    • Same as your NEFAR ID
  • realMLS username and temporary password
    • Grants access to the realMLS dashboard including the Flexmls system
  • Instructions on how to complete the required realMLS orientation

Other Options

Join realMLS as a:
  • At-large MLS Customer
    • This option holds a primary Realtor Association membership and wants to subscribe to realMLS without joining NEFAR, realMLS’s Shareholder.
  • MLS Only Customer
    • This option is available to individuals who are not members of any state or national Realtor associations, and whose brokers also hold no affiliations to any state or national Realtor associations. Broker must also join realMLS.
To subscribe to realMLS as an At-large Customer or MLS Only Customer, email for the application and details.

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